Tuesday, 15 October 2013

BAHA - Day 05

Amazing how the time passes, it certainly doesn't feel like 5 days since the operation. No dramatic change since Sunday though I'm sleeping much better now and I've got a lot more confidence that the dressing isn't going to fall off overnight, I really wanted it to stay put until my appointment on Thursday.

It just doesn't seem possible that my follow-up appointment is in less than 48 hours time and that it is possible that the processor could be fitted then. I'm still apprehensive about it being fiddled with as it's sure to be pretty sore in there but we'll just have to see and take things as they come.

I remain fascinated by the "sound" I hear when gently touching the implant healing cap and I'm more and more convinced that this could just be a great success. I'm thinking more and more that this operation has the potential to dramatically improve my day to day life and I just really hope it works out like that.

As I go out and about I'm very conscious of people looking at the dressing behind my ear, they must think I've been shot or something and I suppose that's going to be something I'll get used to over time. The other thing I've noticed which I hope will subside is that I'm very very wary of bumping the dressing/implant as I think it would be excruciating, I hope it never happens.

The pain related to facial muscle movement has now largely subsided which is good so I feel that things are going in the right direction. I'm very excited and at the same time apprehensive about Thursday's appointment, it could be a life changer.

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