Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Raid Alpine Stage Three

Tignes La Reculaz to Cesana Torinese (127kms and 2620m ascent)

We only have the last 17kms of the Col de L’Iseran (2764m) to do today (easy!), before another whopping descent of 31kms! A quick nip up (600m of climbing) the Col de Mont Cenis (2,081m) and then another lovely descent, this time taking us across the Italian border into the town of Susa. We head uphill from here (though not steeply) for approx 35kms to our end destination for the day, the small town of Cesana Torinese, just below Sestriere, which was home to the 2006 winter Olympics.

[The offical route was amended a few years ago to avoid this section of main road from Susa to Cesana Torinese. The amended route takes us over the col de Finistre and the col de Sestriere, however the final 8km of the col de Finistre is unsurfaced and is unsuitable for road bikes, hence we have opted to stick to the original route, but taking in the obligitory 'control' by riding up the Col de Sestriere from the east]

To see the stage map and follow my position live follow the link below:

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