Monday 19 April 2010

Monday (not) Training

Monday this week is a no training day after what has been a pretty hard few days and I've enjoyed it. Even with no training scheduled for today my CTL remains at 80 and so I seem at least to be over that particular hurdle, for the time being at least.

I'm going to have to start getting a whole lot more disciplined for the next 10 weeks if I'm to avoid putting on too much excessive blubber before the Tour de France ride and so I'm making a few changes which I'm not looking forward to much. I, like many, have rather a passion for chocolate which is clearly bad news for a cyclist! So, reluctantly, I am putting in place a blanket chocolate ban for the time between now and the start of my Tour de France ride, this will include an "chocolate related" products such as cakes, puddings, biscuits etc. which I have an enduring passion for. It's got to be done, this is a one off trip.

Hoping for a good night's sleep tonight and then it's back into the training tomorrow, I think I've got a 45 minutes of power session scheduled which is sure to be a real barrel of fun :-/

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