Monday 14 June 2010

Monday (not) Training

Photograph above is of the lovely lupins in Mum's garden in the evening sun.

No training again for me today again but was at work all day which was tiring. Enjoyed popping round to see my dear on Mum and talking to her about the things that are going to be happening over the next month, she's really looking forward to it all bless her! I've made arrangements for my blog entries to be printed out each day and put into an envelope and posted to her so that she'll get an (albeit delayed) update on my progress on the "Leading The Tour" ride as she never really got into the Internet.

Have made a start on the files for my Garmin 705 so that's something at least and also arrangements have been finalised for the cameraman to come up on Thursday to make a start on the SKINS campaign video which is exciting. All these things are very new to me and it's exciting to be involved in this sort of stuff after all these years. I think it's good as you get older to either learn, do, or be involved in new things rather than just stagnating in the same old routine but it can come as a bit of a shock to the system!

Resting is currently on full throttle! :-)

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